10 Steps to Write Awesome SEO Content: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

Today in the world of digital marketing, content is everything. You cannot do away with it. In order to make people come back to your site and for the search engines like Google to love you, your content should be unquestionable and impeccable. Writing great content is one thing. But writing great content following the SEO parameters can be sometimes quite hectic. In this (short) guide, I’ll tell you how to write a great SEO content without having to learn much on this topic.

I am listing down the parameters that you MUST use to make your content SEO friendly. Don’t worry! These are tested and proven ones; so only using these should suffice.

1. Focus Keyword

This is one of the most important parameter. Before you even start writing your SEO based content, you must choose your focus keyword. How to choose it? Well, you’ve the Google Keyword Planner. You can use it and get an idea about the keywords that are being used in your niche (I’ll publish an eBook later on Keyword Planner effectively).
But, personally I prefer Spyfu. You can register to get the trial version. All you need to do is put your competitor’s website and they’ll show you which keywords they are ranking for.

2. Headline/Title

Your title defines your content. It should be 100% relevant to your content. I always advice people to decide on the title after you finish writing the content. That way, you can easily choose your title on the basis of your content.
Also, try to include your keyword in your title. Write 5-6 titles, get them reviewed by your friends and then decide on it. (Yes, writing great content demands work) There’s a tool that I like to use to generate headings/titles. You can check it out here.

3. Meta Title

This is how search engines will scan your content. Be very mindful about this. Don’t forget to add your focus keyword to your Meta title. Don’t spam the title with just the keyword since Google and other search engines might penalize you for that. You should include the keyword in the title in a way that it seems to be a part of it naturally. The Meta title shouldn’t be more than 55 characters for perfect readability.

4. Meta Description

To drive maximum traffic to your blog, you must add Meta description. Meta descriptions tell visitors what they can expect once they visit your blog. So, it not only should be relevant, it should be good English and free of grammatical errors. Besides that, you also need to include your focus keyword to it. Also, limit the description to 155 characters. So, keeping all these in mind, you need to create your Meta description.

5. Image Alt Attribute

This is also a must. You will be adding images to your blog. If you didn’t, you must start doing it. 9 out of 10 blogs have images and Google loves content with rich media (like GIF, Videos, Images, Animations, etc). So, when you’re adding an image, you also must add an “alt attribute” to the same. The Alt attribute is helpful for search engines to understand what that image is about. This also helps to rank your image higher in Image Search results.

6. SEO friendly URLs

The URL of your content must be SEO friendly for users. Additionally, Google loves SEO friendly URLs since their algorithms are designed to provide the best experience to its users. What do I mean by that? I’ll show you the examples.
Non-SEO friendly URL: www.example.com/?=578544
SEO friendly URL: talkbasics.com/mining-on-the-moon/
There are a lot if tools to make your URL SEO friendly. WordPress does this automatically. The tool which I suggest is Generate It!

7. External and Internal Links

Make it a point to link other articles from your content. These links can be both internal i.e. articles/blog posts within your site, or they can be external i.e. articles/blog posts to other sites. These are very important since the search engines prefer content with inbound and outbound links. One thing to be careful about is that the links should be relevant to the content on your site.

8. Keyword Frequency

Gone are the days when you could stuff keywords into your content to rank higher on search engines. Today, Google and other search engines are cracking down on websites which publish content stuffed with keywords or those who write BS content with keywords just to rank higher.
Today, it’s all about readability, user experience and relevancy. I always suggest to not thinking about keywords much while writing the content. The frequency of the keywords should not be more than 2% of the total number of words. Your prime focus should be on the content and how well you’re writing it, so that your content can shine among others.

9. LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI Keywords are those which are similar to your focus keyword. This is very important. While writing content, you should keep in mind to use similar keywords in accordance with your focus keyword. These are really helpful to rank higher in search engines as Google’s algorithm is programmed to search for these keywords, in addition to your focused one, while crawling through websites.

10. Headings (H1, H2, H3)

This too is an important SEO parameter. While writing your content, you should use and distribute H tags. Distribute the tags uniformly and relevantly across the content. The first heading should be H1. The next sub-heading can be H2 and so on.

This is almost an exhaustive list. If you can follow these parameters diligently, I’m sure your content will be an awesome one and will rank high in the SERP. If you have any questions, doubts, queries, suggestions or if you need a Digital Marketing strategy for your company, just get in touch with me.

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